Aliens From Sirius B - These short bird-like aliens
visited the Dogon tribe of Africa generations ago. After
returning, they granted the Dogon shaman, Nahmo, superhuman
abilities and set about stealing the "ultimate source of
power" from Earth's power plants - toxic waste. Max and crew
attempted to stop them until Max learned what it was they
were stealing. After that, he "negotiated" a peace treaty in
which they leave us alone but take all of the toxic waste
they want.
出場片段 "Sirius Trouble" |
Anubis - While trying to stop Isis, Max and crew were
briefly flung into the Egyptian underworld where they found
themselves face to face with Anubis, the Egyptian God of the
Dead. Declining the jackal-headed creature's "invitation" to
be mummified, the trio of Max, Norman, and Virgil then found
themselves fleeing several mummies as they attempted to
return to the surface.
出場片段 "The Mommy's Hand" |
BeetleBrow - This large robotic beetle was the guardian
of an entire race of alien beetles which had crash-landed on
our planet millions of years ago. Blending in among our own
insects until a rescue craft could arrive, the beetles were
later summoned by BeetleBrow and herded into the rescue
ship. The robot was convinced to spare the earth and its
"non-intelligent" lifeforms by Max and company.
出場片段 "Beetlemania" |
Brainsuckers - These "brain-sucking" aliens were
plotting to invade Earth and, well, suck out our brains.
Since he didn't pay attention in computer class, Max needed
the help of local "computer nerd" Ernie to put a stop to
their plot. On a side note, these things have some of the
coolest looking armor seen in the show.
出場片段 "The Brainsuckers Cometh!" |
Carnival Freaks - These monsters and "freaks" were
actually Russian children who had been transformed by
Freako's funhouse mirrors. Freako apparently had some amount
of control over them following their transformation and as a
result they pursued Max and crew throughout Freako's
carnival. Max was able to talk some sense into them,
however, and they instead destroyed the carnival. Following
the destruction of the funhouse by Max, all of the "freaks"
were returned to human form.
出場片段 "A Clown Without Pity" |
Countess Moska - The lovely and exotic Count Moska was,
in fact, a vampire. Max and crew met Moska when
investigating a series of vampire attacks in London. They
then followed her to her mansion in Romania, where she
continued to baffle Virgil by not being susceptible to the
documented anti-vampire techniques - garlic, holy water,
sunlight, etc. Instead, Moska revealed that vampires are
associated with insects, not bats - and that she was the
guardian over a whole new brood of larva.
出場片段 "Fly By Night" |
Cult of Apophis - Max ran across this Egyptian cult
after stumbling through a portal in the Museum of History
and ending up in their temple. He took an ankh-shaped amulet
from their altar, thinking it would make a swell gift for
Jiffie - the girl he was mooning over at the time.
Unfortunately, the cult members - large snakes wearing robes
- came for their amulet and took both it and Jiffie back to
their temple so that their leader, Venom, could replenish
his immortality. Max to the rescue!
出場片段 "Snakes and Laddies" |
Cyberskull - A programmer who merged with the virus he
was creating found himself able to alter reality and become
pure electricity. He immediately set out to destroy Mega
Corp, the company founded by the man whom he believed had
stolen his ideas. Max was able to stop Cyberskull's first
attempt at domination by using his video game skills.
Cyberskull returned later, however, and attempted to create
a physical body for himself by mentally controlling several
prominent figures, including the head of Mega Corp.
出場片段 "The Cyberskull Virus", "Cyberskull II:
The Next Level" |
Cyclops - This enormous four-tentacled eyeball was found
lurking in a gigantic one-eyed skeleton deep below a Turkish
prison. The creature was apparently fed and protected by
Torak the Torturer, but seemingly met its end when it
pursued Max and Norman during their escape from the prison.
The creature fled back into its caverns after Max threw a
flaming jar of oil at it, igniting the entire passageway as
well as the creature.
出場片段 "Day of the Cyclops" |
Doctor Arachnoid - Formerly known as Dr. Stephen Huxley,
this scientist was researching the medical benefits of
spider toxins when something went wrong. A co-worker was
secretly modifying the formulas Huxley created in order to
use them for biological warfare. When Huxley tried the serum
on himself, it mutated him into a human-spider hybrid. Now
sporting six eyes and arms, the slightly insane Huxley
dubbed himself Arachnoid and tried to use giant mutant
spiders to remake the world in his image.
出場片段 "Along Came Arachnoid" |
Dogon Tribe - Generations ago, the Dogon tribe of Africa
was visited by aliens from Sirius B. Afterwards, tribal
legend held that the aliens would return and elevate the
Dogons to a state of, well, elevation. Every fifty years,
when Sirius was closest to Earth, the tribe would hold a
ritual asking the aliens to return. Finally, after years of
waiting, the aliens returned, granting the Dogon shaman,
Nahmo, superhuman abilities. The Dogon tribesmen then became
the alien's willing enforcers, putting them at odds with the
Mighty One.
出場片段 "Sirius Trouble" |
Dr. Zygote - The evolution-obsessed Zygote was
encountered by Max and crew during his attempt to "reset
time" by de-evolving everything back to primordial goo and
starting over. During the encounter, Zygote turned Max's
iguana into a dinosaur but ended up evolving himself into a
large-brained floating creature. After his escape, Max again
foiled his plans when the doctor attempted to process the
DNA of a psychic teenager. The encounter left Zygote evolved
even further into a floating ball of light, at which point
he cared nothing for evolution - only for the beauty and
music of the universe.
出場片段 "Zygote's Rhythm", "Zygote Music" |
Dragon of Dragon Isle - This large red dragon puts the
"Dragon" into "Dragon Isle". The first thing SkullMaster did
after being freed from his underground prison was to assume
control of Dragon Isle, several members of its native tribe,
and, of course, its resident dragon. The dragon now serves
SkullMaster as his mount and guardian. Also, the dragon can
apparently move the island by climbing to its highest peak,
digging in with those big claws, and flapping those rather
large wings.
出場片段 "Blood of the Dragon" |
The Dragon of Doom - An enormous dragon whose awakening
was foretold would break the world in half. The cursed
sorceror RavenDark was tricked by SkullMaster into awakening
the dragon so that SkullMaster's subterranean prison would
be torn open by the dragon's wrath. While Norman, who had
fought the dragon before, distracted the great beast, Max
convinced RavenDark to put the dragon back to sleep, a feat
which cost the old sorceror his life.
出場片段 "Let Sleeping Dragons Lie!" |
Freako the Clown - Born with the appearance of a clown,
this russian man was quite insane by the time he reached
adulthood. Calling himself "Freako the Clown", he began
using special funhouse mirrors to warp the appearance of
others, turning many children into carnival freaks and
monsters. He tried the same with Max and crew but seemingly
perished when his funhouse was brought down by Max.
出場片段 "A Clown Without Pity" |
Ganesha - God of magic and wisdom in the Hindu religion,
the four-armed, elephant-headed Ganesha found himself
temporarily under Naja's control and fighting the Guardian.
As Ganesha and Norman fought, Naja was successful in getting
the last piece of Kali's statue from Max. The cobra-like
demon was then able to control Kali just as he had Ganesha.
It's presumed that, like Kali and Shiva, Ganesha returned to
his eternal slumber when Naja was destroyed.
出場片段 "Good Golly Ms. Kali" |
Giant Rat - While trying to stop Lao Chu, the Emperor of
Rats, from taking over the world with his rat armies, Max
and crew found themselves facing this giant rat in the inner
chamber of Lao Chu's maze. The rat was sent by the Rat
Emperor to protect the "Heart of Lao Chu" - a fist-sized
chunk of red jade which was the focus of Lao Chu's power.
出場片段 "The Year of the Rat" |
Giant Scorpions - While investigating strange radiation
in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Max and crew found
themselves up against these four giant scorpions. The four
were affectionately named Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel by
their master - Robert Scorpio - and acted as his mounts and
出場片段 "Scorpio Rising" |
Giant Spider - The largest of Arachnoid's mutant
spiders, this behemoth was two stories of venom and webbing.
The creature was the bane of Norman, whose duties as the
Guardian found themselves in conflict with his intense fear
of spiders. Willpower overcame, however, as Norman found
himself vanquishing the beast in order to preserve the life
of the Mighty One. However, the spider may have had the last
laugh when it returned during the "Armageddon" of
出場片段 "Along Came Arachnoid", "Armageddon
Closer, Part 1" |
Giant Squid - This giant squid brought attention to
itself by sinking several oil tankers and other ships in a
remote section of the ocean. It also menaced an underwater
civilization of squid-like humanoids, but Max was able to
convince the cowardly "squid-heads" to unite against the
giant mollusk. With the reluctant help of oil tycoon "Ollie"
Penderoil, the Mighty One was able to blow up the squid,
ending its reign of terror.
出場片段 "Less Than 20,000 Squid Heads Under The
Sea" |
Gorilla General - When Max's mom stumbled onto an
ancient civilization of talking gorillas, it was up to Max
to rescue her. The main obstacle in his way, however, was
the cruel general of the gorilla armies, who felt that Max
was introducing dangerous ideas into his society. A true
believer in "might makes right", the general and Max ending
up in a ritual challenge with no rules. Max won by flinging
his opponent into a portal. Our last glimpse of the general
was in a barren desert, as he screamed in frustration at his
出場片段 "Rumble In The Jungle" |
Ice Aliens - These shape-shifting aliens plotted to move
the Earth's orbit, bringing on a new Ice Age so that they
could move in. They started by taking over an artic research
station and assuming the places of the original occupants.
Max came to the rescue, figuring out that the aliens could
not survive warm temperatures.
出場片段 "Out In The Cold" |
Isis - In Egyptian mythology, Isis is the goddess of
magic and life. Apparently, all of the Egyptian gods
departed this world when the last Pharoah died, but Isis was
left behind somehow. After dwelling among humans for a few
thousand years, she could see only their depravity and
injustice towards one another. Posing as the director of the
Cairo Museum of Antiquities, she plotted to awaken her
husband, Osiris, so that he could destroy humanity and
restore her to her former glory. She allowed the ring of
Osiris to circulate the world in the hopes that the Mighty
One would find it and show up. He did.
出場片段 "The Mommy's Hand" |
Kali - The Hindu Goddess of chaos and destruction, Kali
found herself under the control of Naja - a cobra-like demon
from Hindu mythology. Each Hindu god or goddess has a statue
associated with them, and he who controls the statues
controls the deities themselves. Naja gathered the pieces of
Kali's statue and then commanded her to perform her Dance of
Destruction. The Mighty One stopped her from destroying the
city by summoning the power of Shiva - Kali's counterpart
and husband. Using the Flame of Shiva, Max was able to
counter Naja's control and return Kali's will to her own.
出場片段 "Good Golly Ms. Kali" |
Lava Beasts - Originally servants of Lava Lord, these
creatures of molten rock became SkullMaster's slaves after
he sealed their king in solid rock. After Max destroyed the
Crystal of Souls, Lava Lord broke free from his prison and
returned to lead the lava beasts against SkullMaster and his
minions. They have made several appearances throughout the
show - SkullMaster even sent one after Max in the first
出場片段 "A Bellwether In One's Cap", "The Maxnificent Seven", "Pandora's Box, Part 1", "Pandora's Box,
Part 2", "I, Warmonger", "Armageddon Closer, Part 1 ",
"Armageddon Outta Here, Part 2" |
Lava Lord - Originally lord of the underworld where
SkullMaster was exiled, Lava Lord was sealed in solid rock
by SkullMaster after the two battled for dominance. He was
then freed when Max and crew destroyed the Crystal of Souls.
Using his loyal Lava Beasts and Magnus - his lava-powered
war machine - Lava Lord then made a bid for power again,
plunging the underworld into chaos. Max later enlisted his
help when attempting to stop SkullMaster from resetting
time, even though Lava Lord has no love for the Mighty One,
出場片段 "Pandora's Box, Part 1", "Pandora's
Box, Part 2", "Armageddon Outta Here, Part 2" |
Lao Chu - In Chinese mythology, Lao Chu is the Emperor
of Rats, who long ago was imprisoned in a large chunk of
jade - now referred to as the "Heart of Lao Chu". A Chinese
historian, Ki Wan, accidentally freed Lao Chu by touching
the heart and giving Chu power over his physical form. Lao
Chu planned to take over the world with his army of rats,
but he was stopped by the combined forces of the Mighty One
and Ki Wan's spirit. The Heart was shattered and Lao Chu
believed dead, but his loyal rats gathered the pieces before
scampering off into the darkness, so the Emperor's actual
fate is still unknown.
出場片段 "The Year of the Rat" |
Lockyar - The Norse demon of violence, Lockyar was
summoned by an army who wished to conquer a village led by
Norman thousands of years ago. Even Lockyar could not defeat
the future Guardian, however, and he was imprisoned - first
under the sea and then later within an ancient tree. When
the tree was cut down by a logging crew, Lockyar began
searching for the key which would unlock his chains and
allow him to roam free. He eventually buried himself under a
mountain while screaming in rage at Max and crew.
出場片段 "The Axeman Cometh" |
Mummies - During their brief encounter with Anubis
(while trying to stop Isis), Max and crew found themselves
in the process of being mummified. When they tried to excuse
themselves from the process, an angered Anubis brought
several mummies out of the ground. The bandaged corpses then
proceeded to chase Max, Norman, and Virgil through the caves
back to the surface. As our heroes crawled from the fissure
that led to the surface, it sealed behind them, trapping the
mummies underground with their master.
出場片段 "The Mommy's Hand" |
Mu To - According to Virgil, Mu To was a demon in
Chinese mythology who served the God of the Dead. This
statue of Mu To came alive and pursued Max and crew through
Lao Chu's maze. Even Norman was unable to harm the statue,
and it was eventually sealed within a corridor of the maze.
出場片段 "The Year of the Rat" |
Nahmo - Tribal legend of the Dogon tribe of Africa held
that aliens from Sirius B who once visited them would return
and elevate the Dogons to a state of, well, elevation. Every
fifty years, when Sirius was closest to Earth, the tribe
would hold a ritual asking the aliens to return. Finally,
after years of waiting, the aliens returned, granting the
Dogon shaman, Nahmo, superhuman abilities. The jubilant
shaman then became the aliens' chief enforcer, and he
promptly began helping them steal the "ultimate source of
power" from Earth's power plants. This, of course, put him
at odds with the Mighty One.
出場片段 "Sirius Trouble" |
Naja - A lower demon in Hindu mythology, Naja was
awakened by a cult member who wished a reward for freeing
the demon. Instead, Naja killed the cultist and began
gathering the pieces of a statue which would allow him to
awaken and control Kali - the Hindu goddess of chaos and
destruction. Max and crew attempted to gather the pieces
before him, but were ultimately unsuccessful. In order to
stop a rampaging Kali, Max unlocked the power of Shiva,
Kali's husband and counterpart. Once free, the angry Kali
buried the fleeing Naja under rubble, ending his threat once
and for all.
出場片段 "Good Golly Ms. Kali" |
Nemo - The grandson of the original Captain Nemo, the
younger Nemo was physically identical to his infamous
namesake. He led the band of pirates that stole the Nautilus
from Jules Verne, and planned to use the submarine in an
effort to recapture his family's former glory. He accused
Verne of stealing the plans for the Nautilus from his
grandfather and then slandering the captain in the book
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". Verne denied these
accusations, and was able to help Max stop Nemo and his
出場片段 "Around The World In Eighty Arms" |
The One With No Name - The former operator of a garbage
dump outside the Eastern European town of Schleppeg, this
man created a chemical compound that absorbs material, and
then is attracted to similar materials. His ultimate
masterpiece was a monstrosity called Korbus, a hulking
humanoid blob that absorbed people. His activities attracted
Max and crew, however, who quickly put an end to his
efforts. The poor wretch ended up in prison, and we never
did learn his name.
出場片段 "The Missing Linked" |
Pirates - This band of scalawags and thugs were gathered
together by Nemo in his attempt to recapture the glory of
the Nemo family name. They assisted him in stealing the
Nautilus from Jules Verne and then using it to terrorize
shipping lanes. Although not too bright and dressed like
something from a Disney theme park ride, the pirates were no
less deadly - especially since they were armed with modern
weaponry and large numbers. Norman rather enjoyed himself
thinning those numbers, however.
出場片段 "Around The World In Eighty Arms" |
Professor MacDougal - This Scottish professor was
secretly using her lab to process the essence of werewolves,
creating a potion which allowed her to change into a large
three-headed werewolf. She believed this would allow her to
become immortal like werewolves, but her murderous tenure as
"The Monster of Dunneglen" was short-lived.
出場片段 "Werewolves of Dunneglen" |
RavenDark - The last of the Viking sorcerors, RavenDark
was a withered old man imprisoned within the cave of the
Dragon of Doom. Due to a curse, if he left the mouth of the
cave, he assumed the form of a raven - a hated bird in Norse
mythology. SkullMaster assumed the mantle of Loki, Norse god
of trickery, and convinced RavenDark to awaken the dragon.
When Max proved to him that "Loki" was a fake, the sorceror
gave his life to put the dragon back to sleep, thus gaining
his revenge on SkullMaster.
出場片段 "Let Sleeping Dragons Lie!" |
Robert Scorpio - Dr. Robert Scorpio entered an
underground bomb shelter during the late 1960's, intent on
surviving the "inevitable" nuclear holocaust of the time.
Instead, due to the location of his bomb shelter - former
nuclear testing grounds in the Nevada desert - Scorpio
gradually became resistant and even dependent on radiation.
Unable to leave his irradiated environment after forty
years, Scorpio decided he would just irradiate the whole
出場片段 "Scorpio Rising" |
Sabertooth - This large prehistoric cat was doused with
radiation from a meteorite millions of years ago. Along with
a caveman named Gor, the cat found itself possessing
immortality and super-strength. The two were caught in a
cave-in while fighting and were released in modern times.
Max and crew chased the cat down with the assistance of Gor,
and the caveman was able to throw both himself and
Sabertooth into the Labrea tar pits.
出場片段 "Tar Wars" |
SkullMaster - The archnemesis of the Mighty One and the
main villain of the series, SkullMaster is an ancient
warrior-sorceror whose lust for power has driven him to
destroy at least two civilizations - the Lemurians and the
Atlanteans. He destroyed the Lemurians out of wrath when
they wouldn't give him the secrets of the key, and he used
the souls of Atlantis to power his Crystal of Souls. At some
point, he was imprisoned deep within the earth, where he
sealed the reigning king, Lava Lord, into solid rock and
took control of his minions. During the second season,
SkullMaster was free to roam the earth and proceeded to
cause all kinds of trouble.
出場片段 "A Bellwether In One's Cap", "Let
Sleeping Dragons Lie!", "Bring Me The Head Of Mighty Max",
"The Maxnificent Seven", "Pandora's Box, Part 1", "Pandora's
Box, Part 2", "Blood of the Dragon", "I, Warmonger",
"Armageddon Closer, Part 1 ", "Armageddon Outta Here, Part
2" |
Soulless Ones - These underwater zombies were actually
the bodies of the Atlanteans - a once proud civilization
brought to its knees by SkullMaster. With their souls
imprisoned in SkullMaster's Crystal of Souls, the former
citizens of Atlantis found themselves compelled to do his
bidding - namely, to hunt down Mighty Max. Max later freed
these poor creatures when he destroyed the Crystal of Souls.
出場片段 "Bring Me The Head Of Mighty Max" |
Spike - Norman's archnemesis, Spike is the warrior who
killed Norman's father when the future Guardian was only a
boy. After his father's death, Norman blamed himself and
vowed to become the greatest warrior ever, swearing he would
somehow defeat the immortal Spike. Originally imprisoned in
ice by a vengeful Norman, Spike was released ten thousand
years later by an archaeological dig. He immediately set out
after Norman, who, with the help of Mighty Max, was finally
able to defeat him using his father's war-axe.
出場片段 "Norman's Conquest" |
Talon - An immortal creature composed of a giant skull
and eagle, Talon roams the astral plane and feeds off the
souls of the living. Having waited millenia for freedom,
Talon stole the cap when Max found himself on the astral
plane. The apparition then used the cap to enter the real
world and proceeded to consume the souls of Manhattan.
During battle with Max and crew, one of Talon's eyes were
shattered - releasing the souls trapped within - and he was
then tricked into re-entering the astral plane. He has
remained trapped there since.
出場片段 "The Souls of Talon" |
Torak the Torturer - A monstrous hulk of a man who
dwelled in the dungeons and caverns beneath a Turkish
prison. Believed to be one of Odysseus' men and now a
servant of the Cyclops, Torak was known to steal prisoners
from their cells and feed them to the Cyclops. He was
defeated by Norman when he tried to steal the Guardian and
Max from their cell. They then followed him to his lair and
Norman proceeded to do what he does best. It's believed that
both Torak and the Cyclops were consumed by fire.
出場片段 "Day of the Cyclops" |
Vampire Larvae - When Max and crew began investigating a
series of vampire attacks in London, they discovered far
more than they planned. They met the vampire, Countess Moska,
but found that vampires are related to insects, not bats,
and none of the usual anti-vampire tricks work. Furthermore,
they discovered that Moska was guardian over a whole brood
of vampire larva. These larva, when commanded by Moska,
could work together as a single entity, swarming over the
Mighty One and friends. They apparently don't like fire too
well, though...
出場片段 "Fly By Night" |
Venom - This ancient Egyptian mummy was the leader of
the Cult of Apophis in Egypt. He crossed the Capbearer after
Max stole an amulet from the cult's temple. The cult then
stole the target of Max's affection - Jiffie - and attempted
to sacrifice her so that Venom could continue his immortal
life. When Max interrupted the ritual and took Jiffie back,
Venom was not a happy camper. He pursued Max, Bea, and
Jiffie while riding a giant cobra, but perished when the
cobra exploded, courtesy of Max.
出場片段 "Snakes and Laddies" |
Warmonger - Warmonger is SkullMaster's right-hand man,
so to speak. The dim-witted Warmonger usually finds himself
doing SkullMaster's dirty work, but also enjoys the
positions of relative power this gives him over other
henchmen (hench-creatures?). Cruel and sadistic, Warmonger
briefly showed ambition when he tried to kill SkullMaster.
Believing himself successful, the short little demon then
found himself at a loss as to what to do with his newfound
power and position. The death of SkullMaster proved to be a
ruse, however, and the master was proud of his pupil for
showing such deviousness.
出場片段 "A Bellwether In One's Cap", "The Maxnificent Seven", "Pandora's Box, Part 1", "Pandora's Box,
Part 2", "Blood of the Dragon", "I, Warmonger", "Armageddon
Closer, Part 1 ", "Armageddon Outta Here, Part 2" |
Zomboid - A large multi-tentacled slug-like creature,
the methane-filled zomboid was living in a cave deep below
an African temple. When Max's mom brought home an African
statue from Haiti, she accidentally carried the "zomboid
plague" to America. The plague was spread by small parasites
which attach themselves to people's necks. Thanks to Virgil,
Max and crew located the "mother zomboid" in Africa and
killed it by igniting its own gases (yuck).
出場片段 "The Mother Of All Adventures" |
Zomboid Parasites -When Max's mom brought home an
African statue from Haiti, she accidentally carried the "zomboid
plague" to America. The plague was spread by these small
slug-like parasites which attach themselves to people's
necks. Thanks to Virgil, Max and crew located the
methane-filled "mother zomboid" in Africa and killed it by
igniting its own gases (yuck).
出場片段 "The Mother Of All Adventures" |